Understand歌词 – BoyWithUke

2022年10月5日18:11:14 发表评论 331

Understand - BoyWithUke

作词 : BoyWithUke

作曲 : BoyWithUke

Understand歌词 - BoyWithUke
Girl, I hope you understand
女孩 我希望你能理解
I wanted to hold your hand
But I can't, wanted to be your man back then
可我却无法做到 渴望成为你的男人回到那时
And you knew I fell for you but you
而你明了 我已为你沉沦
Just broke my heart in two
可你却将我的心 掰成了两半
I was sad, mad and broken on my bed
那时我无比难过 近乎疯狂 躺在床上 心碎无比
Hoping I get rid of all the voices in my head

I was opening a packet of an undeveloped med
我正打开了一包 未完全开发的药
When I was met with a prescription of a bullet made of lead
当我见到 一张写着领先制作出的药物的处方
And when I woke up in an hour in a pool of my own sweat
而当我在一小时后 苏醒于由我满身汗液积成的水池时
I said, "I swear to God I'll never even try to sleep again"
我说道 我向上天发誓 我绝不会再度入眠
So instead I took my pen and started writing evidencе
所以相反 我拿起了笔 而开始书写证据
And when I started making sensе
I found that I had reached the end
Oh, I'm upset, I have no friends
我是如此难过 我没有朋友
You wanna bet you're just pretend?
You're just a pet confined within the lines of writing
You're not shit
I thought I stopped my psychopathic ways, I swear I did
我本以为 我已停止了精神错乱 我发誓确有其事
I said I talked to people 'bout the problematic life I lived
我曾说 我会跟人们谈起 我所过着的充满问题的生活
They were my neighbors, razor blades
他们是我的邻居 剃须刀
And different flavored pills I hit
Therefore I'm at surely my last straw
因此 毫无疑问 我正处于 我的最终时刻
I'm so gassed, stuck in the past, I said that
我是如此激动 沉溺于过去 无法自拔 我曾那样说

Girl, I hope you understand
女孩 我希望你能理解
I wanted to hold your hand
But I can't, wanted to be your man back then
可我却无法做到 渴望成为你的男人 回到那时
And so far I never held you with my arms
而至今 我未曾将你搂在怀中
So it's hard to be the one you aren't
所以 很难让你接受这样的我
With instead filled with anxiety
而相反 满是焦虑
Always was a part of me, guess I'm not cut out to be
而总是俯首称臣 认为我还未达到此般地步

Somebody 'cause it's not me
这是其他人 因为这不是我 我不再是从前
I'm not used to all the talking, was an introvert
That had converted feelings into writing
Used to cope with all my problems
Using notes and lots of rhyming
使用音符 还有许多韵脚
Used to hope for better days whenever
nights would have me crying
I'm not lying when I say that I would rather die go back
当我说我宁可离去 也不愿折返
To the times that I would try to be the guy that people know as
always fighting with the demons hiding far behind my eyelids
人们却从而为之抗衡之时 我并未说谎
On an island full of violence in my head I had two pilots
在一座满是暴力得岛屿 在我脑海里 有着两位飞行员
Oh, the sun don't shine and skies turn gray
阳光不再耀眼 而天空愈渐灰暗
I felt it coursing through my veins
I said before I'm not okay
我早就说过 我一点都不好
But you don't listen anyway
You know I tried, you turned away
你要知道我也试过 而你却转身离去
You straight-up lied right to my face
你直直地对着我的脸 不断撒谎
You ****ed my life, ruined my day
你毁了我的人生 摧毁了我的时光
But you don't know, so I'll say
可你并不知情 所以我会说出来

Nothing can fill this silence, no one can love like I did
没有什么能够填满这场寂静 无人能够如我从前那般爱你
(And you don't know, so I'll say)
(你不知情 所以我会说出来)
Nobody cares, you lied, it's no fair, you still deny it
无人关心你 这都是谎话 并不公平 你仍在否决这一切
(So I'll say)
Nothing can fill this silence, no one can love like I did
没有什么能够填满这场寂静 无人能够如我从前那般爱你
(And you don't know, so I'll say)
(你不知情 所以我会说出来)
Nobody cares, you lied, it's no fair, you still deny it
无人关心你 这都是谎话 并不公平 你仍在否认这一切
(So I'll say)

Girl, I hope you understand
女孩 我希望你能理解
I wanted to hold your hand
But I can't, wanted to be your man back then
可我却无法做到 渴望成为你的男人 回到那时
And too bad I know I can't wake up
真是糟糕 我知道我无法苏醒
Because I lost my way and you don't give a ****
因为我已丢失自我 而你却不在乎我
About me, this could be a dream, I can't see
The things that you see, so please, oh
我无法见到你所观见的一切 所以请你
Girl, I hope you understand
女孩 我希望你能理解
I wanted to hold your hand
But I can't, wanted to be your man back then
可我却无法做到 渴望成为你的男人 回到那时
And you had known you played along
而你已然明白 而一同玩耍
You were my home, I wrote you songs
你曾是我的家园 我给你写歌
And now you're dead to me effectively
Removed yourself outside my dreams
事实上 是你自己彻底抹除了曾经的美好 留在我的梦境之外


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: