Deep Sin After Laughed歌词(歌手:IvoSsa)

2022年10月13日15:00:49 发表评论 39

Mixed by Lean4night

Nothing got me poor

holding my pfe to stay strong

bih you knows me coughing curse

blow my fuking head I’m calm

Hate the same sh1t

everyday I pray sh1t

mental trouble and heart ache

torturing me with no end sh1t

Bih when I’m riding with passion of sin sh1t not free

everybody watch me top of mountain fall in basement losing breath

outside snow drop make me so cold

minus five degrees freezing my toes

kilpng every cell of my body let ‘em reborn

floating around round the ash fuking stuck in my throat

I’m afraid

always in the mood of fine so scared

cause the pain gon pays me everything the end is fuking sin

Burn my flesh

crash my think

in the last time we won’t exist

better swipe off all the proof of my fuking true existence

just a fuk boy fool guy was cheated by the fuking human said the good pfe

if you never ever want the fuking normal pale bite

go to tell the fuking Jesus and then take a retired

I’m in pain

heart can’t take

all the drag can’t save me back

wilpng go to fuking hell find Lucifer becomes my friend!


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: