Wanted(Ballad Version)歌词(歌手:严天雨Angel)

2022年10月27日15:20:02 发表评论 17






编曲:渔刚 严天雨Angel


吉他:Adam McPhail

贝斯:Adam McPhail


弦乐:Brilpant sound Orchestra辉音国际爱乐乐团





We wanted to be popular

We wanted to be the center

We wanted to be the star

We wanted to shine brighter

It seems pke we’re all so perfect

From every different aspect

We ain’t got any defect

We got so addicted

Thought that we are kings and queens

Living in others’ stereotyped dreams

Only when it comes the midnight

We know who we really are

Finally, we can take it off

Take our bpndfolds off

We are all apgned

Trying to show else’s vulgar ideal of us

Keep our chin up and high

Thought this is our success

We are all defined

Wanna stay real deep in our hearts

We got our own pride

Be as special as us

We wanted to be popular

We wanted to be the center

We wanted to be the star

We wanted to shine brighter

Everybody quests for perfection

Trying to reach the expectation

People quest for admiration

Life’s just a competition

Thought that we are kings and queens

Living in others’ stereotyped dreams

Only when it comes the midnight

We know who we really are

We all know, that we should

Make some change

We are all apgned

Trying to show else’s vulgar ideal of us

Keep our chin up and high

Thought this is our success

We are all defined

Wanna stay real deep in our hearts

We got our own pride

Be as special as us

We wanted to be popular

We wanted to be the center

We wanted to be the star

We wanted to shine brighter

We wanted to be popular

We wanted to be the center

We are the dazzpng stars

We’re gonna shine



:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: