DEATH歌词 – Melanie Martinez

2023年3月17日22:21:09 发表评论 41

DEATH - Melanie Martinez

作词 : Melanie Martinez

作曲 : Melanie Martinez

DEATH歌词 - Melanie Martinez
Death is life is death is life is death is life is

They're carving my name in the grave, again
The flowers are fresh and their faces wet
鲜艳的花朵 瓣叶娇艳欲滴
My body has died but I'm still alive
尽管我肉体已死亡 灵魂却不曾消散
Look over your shoulder, I'm back from the dead
劝你谨慎提防着 我即将死而复生
Lighting the light a candle to draw me in
点亮所有的烛火 将我深深吸引
Seeing all the same things, I'm gone this time
仍重复相同的话 这次我就要离开
Your words mean nothing, so take 'em back
And meet me here across the plan
The other side of my foreign land

You aren't around, I sink into the ground
我会趁你不在时 遁入地底
I try to pretend I'm closer to you
Never understand it, you're always on my mind
到底是为何 你总盘旋在脑海
I cannot help it
I don't wanna be carrying the weight on my shoulders
Death has come to me, kissed me on my cheek, gave me closure
死神悄然而至 亲吻我的脸颊 将我终结
Immortal by design, I'll be meeting you here every time
但我每次都能凭这不死之躯 和你于此重逢

Back from the dead, back from the dead
历经死亡 轮回重生
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead
历经死亡后 我将轮回重生
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead
I'm back from the dead (Back), back from the dead (Back)
历经死亡后 我将轮回重生
I'm back from the dead (Back), back from the dead (Back)
I'm back from the dead (Back), back from the dead (Back)
历经死亡后 我将轮回重生
I'm back from the dead (Back), back from the— (I'm back)

Death, death, death
Death, death
I'm back

They're saying my name in their prayers again
他们在声声祷告中 呼唤我的姓名
I flicker the lights so they understand
我用闪烁的灯光当作媒介 向他们传递讯息
I won't say goodbye, I'm right by your side
其实自始至终我都将存在 绝不会离开
We're screaming and pleading, this separation ends
我们歇斯底里地乞求着 隔阂终于被斩断
Doing all your witchcrafts to pull me in
你尽情施展巫术 来我迷惑吸引吧
Burning all your sage to connect our line
唯有烧尽鼠尾草 彼此间的联系才能建立起来
I show my presence, you run away in fear of ghosts
但当我显现真身 你却因惧怕鬼魂 而仓皇逃走
I try to talk, the barriers are too strong
无法逾越道道阻碍 我想沟通却也无济于事

When you aren't around, I sink into the ground
我会趁你不在时 遁入地底
I try to pretend I'm closer to you
Never understand it, you're always on my mind
到底是为何 你总盘旋在脑海
I cannot help it
I don't wanna be carrying the weight on my shoulders
Death has come to me, kissed me on my cheek, gave me closure
死神悄然而至 亲吻我的脸颊 将我终结
Immortal by design, I'll be meeting you here every time
但我每次都能凭这不死之躯 和你于此重逢

Back from the dead, back from the dead
历经死亡 轮回重生
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead
历经死亡后 我将轮回重生
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead
I'm back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death)
历经死亡后 我将轮回重生
I'm back from the dead (Death), back from the dead
I'm back from the dead (Death), back from the dead (Death)
历经死亡后 我将轮回重生
I'm back from the dead (Death), back from the dead

Please, don't ever worry (I'm back from the dead, back from the dead, I'm back from the dead, back from the dead)
希望你不要为我而忧愁 (我即将死而复生 历经死亡 轮回重生)
I know it's part of the plan (I'm back from the dead, back from the dead)
我深知 这是计划中的一部分 (历经死亡后 我将轮回重生)
We all die one day (I'm back from the dead, back from the dead)
我们终究难逃一死 (我即将死而复生)
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead
历经死亡后 我将轮回重生
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead
I'm back from the dead, back from the dead
历经死亡后 我将轮回重生
I'm back from the dead, back from the— (I'm back)


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: