Can’t Go Yet歌词 – 刘逸云 Amber Liu / Scott Hoying

2023年6月9日14:31:07 发表评论 37

Can’t Go Yet - 刘逸云 Amber Liu / Scott Hoying

作词 : 刘逸云 Amber Liu

作曲 : Thom Russo/Mighty Mike

编曲 : Thom Russo

制作人 : Thom Russo/Mighty Mike

Can’t Go Yet歌词 - 刘逸云 Amber Liu / Scott Hoying
Distractions you fight it and nobody knows
心乱如麻 纷扰难挣脱 无人知晓
Devils been saying reopen the wounds
So I'll hold my breath, I know I'm not there yet
故我屏住呼吸 心知还未到彼岸

These pictures are burning a hole in my mind
Is love the symptom of guilt that I hide?
So I'll place my bet, I know I can't go yet
故我全盘下注 心知尚不能离去

I'm retracing my steps I see haven't gone far
我追溯自己的脚步 却发现未曾走远
It's never enough even when I'm trying so hard
即便我努力拼搏 也不会轻易满足
The wind is running past and I'm losing my grip
风匆匆而过 我渐失掌控
I know I can't go yet

No I can't go yet
不 我还不能离去
I know I can't go yet
No I can't go yet
不 我还不能离去
No I can't go yet
不 我还不能离去

I'm doubtful I'm weary but I can't decide
我犹疑不决 心力交瘁
I'm looking for answers but it's all a lie
寻觅答案 却只见虚伪
So I hold my breath, I know I'm not there yet
故我屏住呼吸 心知还未到彼岸

I'm retracing my steps I see haven't gone far
我追溯自己的脚步 却发现未曾走远
It's never enough even when I'm trying so hard
即便我努力拼搏 也不会轻易满足
The wind is running past and I'm losing my grip
风匆匆而过 我渐失掌控
I know I can't go yet

No I can't go yet
不 我还不能离去
I know I can't go yet
No I can't go yet
不 我还不能离去
No I can't go yet
不 我还不能离去

The leaves will fall and hearts will break
叶落纷纷 心碎不断
It can't be true this life's a waste
And I can't think straight but I'm here to stay
我思绪混乱 却决心留下
So won't you stay
Can't you see I'm listening to find a reason from within
难道你不明白 我在聆听寻觅内心的理由
And I just can't wait cause I'm here to stay
我无法等待 因为我决心留下
So won't you stay

No I can't go yet
不 我还不能离去
I know I can't go yet
No I can't go yet
不 我还不能离去
No I can't go yet
不 我还不能离去


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: