Step Back!歌词 – 1nonly / Sxmpra

2023年6月17日17:07:46 发表评论 104

Step Back! - 1nonly / Sxmpra

作词 : Kalem Leo Tarrant/Nathan Fuller

作曲 : Kalem Leo Tarrant/Nathan Fuller

Step Back!歌词 - 1nonly / Sxmpra
Uhm, it's a good time to say, "Holy smokes"
好嘛 现在可是你哭爹喊娘的好时机

Said, "What's up? *****, what's happenin'?"
问问你咋了碧池 发生什么事了?
***** tryna suck on my d*ck, I might tap it
在我身下欲罢不能 我轻拍着它
See this 40 round clip, the grip, I might grab it
看见四十发的弹夹了没 我要握紧枪柄
My hollow point tip, yo' lip, it cause havoc
向空荡地带射击 我造成阵阵骚乱
So out my way, *****, move it, fu*k it up
快给我让道 碧池 挪挪窝把路让开
I got like way too many bands, pockets flooded up
我赚得盆满钵满 捆捆钞票塞满口袋
And what I got in my advance'd make yo' stomach fu*ked
我预支的巨额数目会让你痉挛 目瞪口呆
I keep a strap up on my waist, it got a hollow tucked
哥的腰上系着名牌腰带 上面还打满了孔

'Cause like, damn, move out my way
该死的 赶紧的让开别挡我的道
Got new money comin', *****, stack my pape'
新的财源滚滚来 碧池 好好享受吧
I leave his as* wanted, I ain't catch a case
被人通缉又怎么样 哥就是法外狂徒
New whip, no keys, electric race
全新豪车 纯电动超跑 无需钥匙发动
Like, what the fu*k? You *****, you jake, you fake
你谁啊碧池? 你个混账 虚伪的骗子
You off the grid, your face decay
敢和我对着干 哥就让你的脸遭殃
I shoot yo' limbs, my K, two d*cks, I got two twins (ayy)
瞄准你的四肢射击 嘿嘿 哥有两把作案工具

'Cause I'm boomin'
All these ***** *****es that be talkin' nothing to my face
He wanna pull up with a gat and get sprayed, fu*k that
他想把车停靠在路边喷喷漆 去他Y的
Got two d*cks on me, got one for your *****
哥有两个老二 其中有一个是给你的
And the other with a laser, you get tased
另外一个自带激光武器 专门电击你
Slide through, go drift in a Civ' after talkin' to yo' *****
Leave a red dot beam to your face
瞄准镜的红点光束 直指你的脸
And my money makin' money (ayy)
哥放任生意运转 不断地钱生钱
Where your bands go? (Ayy)
*****, fu*k around (ayy)
碧池 看看四周吧
I'ma pull up (ayy), and I'll catch another case
我要靠边停下 再引发一场案件
Like, damn, sh*t, huh?
就这样 造就完了老铁们

What yo' clique gon' do?
When I slide to yo' crib, what yo' blick gon' do?
等哥直接杀到你家 看看你们怂包还能干啥
Got yo' girl up on my line, what yo' ***** gon' do?
你的女孩也已经投靠我 看你的女人咋办
Curb stomp a ***** ***** (ayy), what my Rick's goin' through
抓获这名女郎 我的兄弟们陪伴着我
Like, damn, sh*t, and I keep that boom
没错 就这嗯造 我让自己屡战屡胜
If it's over me and you, who yo' ***** gon' choose?
从你和我之间选择 你的女人会挑谁?
Flex a hundred dollar shoes, what yo' fit gon' prove?
脚上蹬着数百美元的鞋子 你还能怎么自证
And you see me goin' up (ayy, ayy, ayy)
你看到我步步高升 平步青云
Why you look confused, huh?

Tell a ***** boy that I said, "Step back"
告诉那小怂包 我说过让他退后
Motherfu*ker wanna talk, but I'm gettin' the bag
这些歪瓜裂枣有话要讲 但我开始收拾行囊
I see the reason that the motherfu*kers takin' it bad
They know they never wanna be the one to step like that, like
Boom, *****, you don't want this
轰 碧池 你并不渴望这些
I'ma pull up with the glick, ***** wanna talk sh*t, like
我会靠边停下拿起火器 省得你们再废话
Every motherfu*ker wanna talk about another
But they never wanna be the one to pull up the numbers
See me doin' good, now they wanna say, "I said so"
看我如此上道 现在开始事后诸葛亮
Tell me why they never gave a minute from the get-go
Tell me why they never wanna motherfu*kin' let go
Tell me why my legacy is 'bout to be in set stone

You don't really wanna play on my ninth life
你不会想惹我的 哥可有九条命
Like, oh, my, put them in a lyrical drive-by, I slide by
把他们引上慢腾腾的车道 我轻松从旁边超越
Spittin' like a motherfu*kin' villain
杀死这场比赛 就像大恶人一样
I'ma never let them ride 'til they pickin' the right side
The cyanide in yo' drink, go bye-bye
往你酒里投了氰化物 拜拜了您嘞
Make plays, get bank, for my own time
不断设局 去银行 度过私人时光
Stay away from the motherfu*kers tryna be
时刻记住 离那些试图成为
The ones to take a blade to my name, I choose life
那些拿刀指着我名字的家伙远一点 我选择生活

Revenge on my chest, I stay in my best
复仇刻在我的胸膛 我保持最佳状态
They stayin' mad that I be winning, do I make you upset?
他们永远嫉妒我的胜利 我让你们难堪了么
I'm makin' moves, and now they comin'
我不断行动着 现在他们要冲我而来
'Cause I'm gettin' some bread
因为我已经赚起资本 有了积蓄
But you weren't there when I was broke
但当我处于低谷 濒临破产时 你也不在身旁
And now you think that we friends
Forget it

Da-da-da-da-da-damn, move out my way
该死 赶紧的让开别挡我的道
Got new money comin', *****, stack my pape'
新的财源滚滚来 碧池 好好享受吧
I leave his as* wanted, I ain't catch a case
被人通缉又怎么样 哥就是法外狂徒
New whip, no keys, electric race
全新豪车 纯电动超跑 无需钥匙发动
Like, what the fu*k? You *****, you jake, you fake
你谁啊碧池? 你个混账 虚伪的骗子
You off the grid, your face decay
敢和我对着干 哥就让你的脸遭殃
I shoot yo' limbs, my K, two d*cks, I got two twins
瞄准你的四肢射击 嘿嘿 哥有两把作案工具


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: