Highlights歌词 – Sasha Alex Sloan

2024年2月17日22:19:52 发表评论 16

Highlights - Sasha Alex Sloan

作词 : Sasha Alex Sloan/Jimmy Robbins

作曲 : Sasha Alex Sloan/Jimmy Robbins

Highlights歌词 - Sasha Alex Sloan
Where were you when I was broken?
在我满目疮痍之时 你在何方?
When I was learning not everybody’s nice
当我还努力记着每个人的名字时 你在哪里?
Where were you when I was empty?
当我空虚无助 无人指引时
When I had no one else to turn to for advice

I’m not angry anymore for what you did
如今 我已放下愤懑 对你既往不咎
But who does that to a kid

You love me when it’s easy
你对我的爱 仅限不费你心神时 才肯现身
You love me when it looks good to your friends
只在你朋友面前光鲜亮丽时 才施与我
You love me when you need me
只在你需要我时 才昙花一现
Or anytime the spotlights on again
或是聚光灯加身时 才想起惦念我
And it’s been this way my whole life
而这对我而言 如同家常便饭
Sometimes it feels like
You only love me for the highlights

Where were you when I was sleepless?
当我辗转反侧 无法入眠
Watching street lights turning off
看着街灯熄灭 你在哪里?
Cause you were there for birthday cakes and had a smile on your face
你来庆祝我的生日 只为了分块蛋糕 脸上挂着虚伪的笑容
But where were you when I lost?
可当我迷失自我时 你又在哪里?

I won’t blame you for the person I’ve become
我不会归咎于你 就算我变成这样的人
But you made it hard to trust someone

You love me when it’s easy
你对我的爱 仅限不费你心神时 才肯现身
You love me when it looks good to your friends
只在你朋友面前光鲜亮丽时 才施与我
You love me when you need me
只在你需要我时 才昙花一现
Or anytime the spotlights on again
或是聚光灯加身时 才想起惦念我
And it’s been this way my whole life
而这对我而言 如同家常便饭
Sometimes it feels like
You only love me for the highlights

Do you ever wish you stayed? (Wish you stayed)
Do you ever turn around? (Turn around)
Do you ever wish you knew the person I am now?


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: