Bad Guy (《猜猜我是谁》网剧插曲)歌词 – 刘思涵

2024年3月28日10:33:57 发表评论 1

《Bad Guy》 魅惑撩人的声线,自然细腻的语感,刘思涵用自己声音的独特魅力道出了男女之间极具张力的诱惑与吸引。她用极高饱和度的嗓音将情绪拉满,再把熟透的爱举重若轻地吞吐于唇齿间,藏在每一个字句里。动机分明的编曲简洁有序,标志性的鼓组贯穿始终,电吉他的solo雅痞十足,为整首歌曲添加了一份高级的幽默感。让人又爱又恨的《Bad guy》,总有人会心甘情愿地沦陷在他塑造的旖旎世界里。

Bad Guy (《猜猜我是谁》网剧插曲)歌词 - 刘思涵

Bad Guy (《猜猜我是谁》网剧插曲) - 刘思涵



编曲:Music Arrangement:许俊豪


配唱Vocal Producer:金书宇@造梦嘉

法务支持Legal support:邹文锋

项目总制片人Project Chief Producer:周照中

项目制片人Project Producer:刘跇辰

和声Backing Vocal:曾婕

人声录音工程师Vocal Recording Engineer:杨宇@DSU Studio

人声录音室Vocal Recording Studio:DSU

混音&母带工程师Mixing&Mastering Engineer:王路遥

项目总监Project Director:秦子祎

项目经理Project Management:周菁/刘润洁


封面设计Cover Disign:宋芳宏


特别鸣谢special thanks:倪安东

出品/制作公司Production company:造梦嘉

出品人Presented By:王嘉诚



Oh you're such a bad guy

That maybe why I can't resist you

You're such a bad guy

Show me good times. What's the issue

If you're such a bad guy bad guy bad bad guy

Show me how you lie

When you lie to me



I'm a bad girl bad girl bad bad girl

I want to feel you

Feel you belong to me

Life sucks

But I don't wanna be lost

Yea maybe so

Suddenly You've broken into my poor life


So I began to dream about u

I want to know your true self. I'm on fire

This can't be wrong

I'm with you

Oh you're such a bad guy

That maybe why I can't resist you

Oh you're such a bad guy

Show me good times. What's the issue

If you're such a bad guy bad guy bad bad guy

Show me how you lie

When you lie to me



I'm a bad girl bad girl bad bad girl

I Want to feel you

Feel you belong to me

Life sucks

But I don't wanna be lost

Yea maybe so

Suddenly You've broken into my poor life


So I began to dream about u

I want to know your true self. I'm on fire

This can't be wrong

I'm with you

Oh you're such a bad guy

That maybe why I can't resist you

Oh you're such a bad guy

Show me good times. What's the issue

If you're such a bad guy bad guy bad bad guy

Show me how you lie

When you lie to me



I'm a bad girl bad girl bad bad girl

I Want to feel you

Feel you belong to me

Oh you're such a bad guy

That maybe why I can't resist you

Oh you're such a bad guy

Show me good times. What's the issue

If you're such a bad guy bad guy bad bad guy

Show me how you lie

When you lie to me



I'm a bad girl bad girl bad bad girl

I Want to feel you

Feel you belong to me


:?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen: